On March 20th, the Young Member’s Group hosted a panel event titled “The Workplace We Want”. It was moderated by Emily Garrison and Sharon Jankiewicz from Silman and the panelists were Margaret Giron and Todd Holbert from Holbert Apple Associates and Scott Stewart from SK&A. The goal of the event was to continue ongoing conversations about equity in our industry to focus on the future – what we want our workplace to be and how we get there. The group of moderators and panelists consisted of experienced and younger engineers who lead a group discussion and presented their perspectives. A few of the topics discussed during the event were mentorship, burnout, retention in the structural engineering field, and work-life balance. This was a great opportunity to hear from various perspectives of structural engineers in the metro-Washington area, and it is our intent to continue this conversation through subsequent events to discuss how we can lead cultural change in our industry.